Resilience In The Face Of Uncertainty
An Online Course
Like anyone else, when you face difficult circumstances, uncertainties understandably loom large.
Significant life events often create more questions than answers: applying for a job, losing one, sitting exams, relationship break ups and the passing of a loved one for example. Challenges arising from the coronavirus pandemic similarly.
Our resilience governs how we respond to these. It explains why we bounce back from setbacks quickly in some instances whilst get stuck in others. For that reason alone, understanding it is a pretty important quality to have.
But what is resilience precisely, do we have a shared understanding of it?
Do you have to be taught it or does it already exist inside you?
How do you know when it’s present or absent?
And if your resilience increased, even by a small amount, how might that alter your approach to a challenge you’re facing at the moment?
The goal of this course is to help you find answers to these four critical questions.
Course structure: two parts
Part 1: Understanding Resilience
Part 1 consists of The Resilience Workshop, hosted by Roger Martin and Paul O’Connell and lasts for 3-hours. We’ll discuss what resilience means for individuals, we’ll debunk some myths about the best way to learn it, and help you discover why, at times, it seems it’s unavailable and what brings it back to the fore.
You can register via Eventbrite here.
Part 2: Resilience In Action
This is where you will explore how your own resilience helps you tackle a real-life challenge of your choice. It consists of four online activities which will be available for 14 days after the Workshop. These are:
The Daily Reflection: a daily communication from the facilitators that will deepen your understanding of resilience
The Questions and Insights Group: a private FaceBook group where you can ask questions and share stories
The Check-In: a Zoom call to talk about progress and sticky areas
The Regroup and Review: bringing everyone together to share what they’ve learnt
Who is it for?
The course is for anyone aged 16 and above. Invitees to the course are either known to us or family members, friends and colleagues of participants on our other, longer programmes. It will be of particular help to those who:
Are curious about what their resilience consists of and what causes it to fluctuate
Get somewhat anxious when their attention is drawn to an uncertain future
Can’t yet see a way through challenges these unprecedented times are presenting.
When and where does it take place?
Part 1:
The Resilience Workshop is scheduled for April 21st from 2pm to 5pm.
Part 2:
The Check-In takes place on the 28th April from 2pm – 3pm.
The Regroup and Review is on the 5th May from 2pm – 3pm.
All sessions will take place on Zoom which is available on PCs, tablets and phones. Depending on how many people register we may add more at a later point.
How much does the course cost?
Nothing. We do not want money to be a barrier to your participation if you feel the course would benefit you. It’s our small way of doing what we can in the name of public service at this extraordinary time of lockdown and much uncertainty.
How do I register?
Click here to register via Eventbrite.